Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Report

The internal quality assurance system (SPMI) at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is coordinated by the Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI). BPMI oversees the Internal Quality Assurance Group (GPMI) which monitors and evaluates quality assurance at the Directorate of Postgraduate Programs (DPPs)/ BPMI is responsible for the implementation of SPMI at UMM on direct orders from the Chancellor of UMM, so that BPMI is responsible for the preparation of SPMI documents to conduct an internal quality audit (AMI).

SPMI assisted by GPMI in the implementation process. BPMI compiles SPMI documents consisting of: SPMI policies, SPMI manuals, SPMI standards, and SPMI forms. The SPMI document consists of two standards, namely the SN-Dikti which has been set by the government Higher Education Standards established by UMM. Ten standards/fields/criteria are used as sources for formulating SPMI standards. BPMI conducts periodic audits of ten areas/criteria/standards, where the audit implementation is determined according to the assignment period. Management in implementing SPMI for continuous quality improvement and improvement by implementing each quality standard by taking into account the cycle of determination, implementation, evaluation, control improvement (PPEPP). One of the efforts to evaluate the implementation of the quality assurance system is carried out by surveying and measuring the level of satisfaction of DPPs users on each standard. The results of this evaluation are then analyzed to determine a follow-up plan for performance indicators that do not meet quality standards as an effort to control quality standards.

This then becomes the basis for determining recommendations (improvements) for the fulfillment of quality standards. Regarding the survey on the understanding of VMTS DPPs, the overall survey results concluded that the academic community and education staff fully understand the vision, mission, goals, and target strategies to be achieved by DPPs-UMM. The understanding that has been possessed by the academic community needs to be maintained and needs to be continuously socialized so that they will provide full support in their achievements. It is also recommended to optimize the website and various social media accounts of DPPs as a means to socialize VMTS to all related parties. Furthermore, recommendations also need to be submitted based on the results of the satisfaction level survey. The main recommendation that needs to be considered is that the results of the satisfaction survey must be followed up immediately and the proposed follow-up program plan must be implemented immediately. The survey results are used as one of the main discussions of the DPPs management review meeting (RTM) and the results of the meeting also need to be communicated to the university.

By involving the university level, it is hoped that some findings that need to be followed up immediately can be realized. In addition, the satisfaction survey process shows that the existence of an integrated and tiered system at all levels will facilitate the implementation of the satisfaction survey. The existence of this system ensures the implementation of service quality under the principles of planning, implementation, evaluation, review, and improvement (PPEPP) starting from the criteria for vision and mission, governance and governance, student affairs, human resources, facilities, infrastructure, outputs, as well as the implementation of tridharma covering the education sector. , research, and dedication. Therefore, it is recommended that regular and consistent surveys be carried out through this system. DPPs also need to monitor and evaluate all study programs under the auspices of DPPs. Such monitoring and evaluation are not only limited to implementing policies and work programs in each study program but also to this kind of understanding and satisfaction survey. In addition to DPPs, study programs must also consistently conduct surveys as inputs to optimize the service and quality of each study program. Optimal service and quality of study programs will make a major contribution to the overall service and quality of DPPs.


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