2025/01/10 02:44:23
The Directorate of Postgraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang was officially established on 8 December 1993. Prior to this establishment, two programs were accredited by the Department of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia. Those initiative programs were Master of Management (Decree of Dirjen Dikti No. 657/DIKTI/Kep/1993) and Master of Rural Sociology (Decree of Dirjen DIKTI No. 658/DIKTI/Kep/1993). Following this, Master of Islamic Studies was established in 1996 (Decree of Dirjen Binbaga Depag RI No. E/93/1996 and SK. Menag RI No. 570/1996). The three programs were accredited Excellent in 2000 by the National Accreditation Board (025/BAN-PT/Akl/S2/IX/2000).
In 2004, the Directorate General of Higher Education issued the operating license for Master of Agribusiness (Decree of Dirjen Dikti No. 012/D/T/2004), Master of Education Policy and Development (Decree of Dirjen Dikti No.1110/D/T/2004), and Master of Law Studies (Decree of Dirjen Dikti No. 1339/D/T/2004). DPPs UMM proposed the openings of Master of Psychology and Doctoral Degree three years later in 2007. Soon after, the operating license of Master of Psychology was approved by the Board of Higher Education (Decree of Dirjen Dikti: 150/D/T/2007). This approval was followed by recommendation from the centre of Indonesia’s Psychology Association (No. 115/PP-Himpsi/II/07) for that same program. Later in the same year, the operating license for Doctoral Degree was also issued (Decree of Dirjen Dikti Depdiknas Nomor 4012/D/T/2007).
DPPs UMM was initially located in UMM Campus I at Jl. Bandung No. 1 Malang. In 2018, it was relocated to UMM Campus III, Central Lecture Block (GKB IV) at Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144. The program now has 13 Master Programs and 3 Doctorate Programs. DPPs UMM offers opportunities to not only academia, but also practicians from various disciplines.We take pride on providing the widest opportunity for our postgraduate students to improve and sharpen their scientific insights. In addition to that, DPPs UMM strives to support students’ independent learning while being supervised by outstanding experts and lecturers. Since 1993, DPPs UMM has crafted pathways to become the leading university in research and innovation in Indonesia. Case studies and field research have become an integral part to manifest this vision.